Online film
My role on this project : Conception, supervision of the film making.
Creative partners : Benjamin Lecoz, Daniel Perez.
Agency : ServicePlan Group
French citizens under Covid-19 lockdown have shown beautiful exemples of solidarity and prudent behaviors.
But today as the reopening of the roads is coming, French Road Safety PSA want car users to continue being careful.
Most of brands during the confinement chose the same dramatic tone for their commercial, every of them looking like the same manifestos. We could easily have done the same with this brief. But we decided to take another angle : we chose a light and humoristic tone to connect with our target. And it worked.
Result :
This change of tone was exceptionally well received by the public and the industry : over 1.3 million organic views and several mentions in the press including the Top5 Influencia of the best ads about confinement )